
270 lines
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import * as planck from 'planck'
import { AnimalDefinition, CreatureDefinition } from '../data/animals'
import { playSong, playSound } from '../shared/audio'
import { Action, adjustAction } from "./Action"
import { Entity, Sensor } from "./Entity"
import { PuddleEntity } from './PuddleEntity'
import { WorldContext } from './World'
export class AnimalEntity extends Entity {
action?: Action
puddleTimer: number = 0
isPlayer: boolean = false
isMonster: boolean = false
thinkTimer: number = 0 // Time since last thought, used by AI.
wanderTimer: number = 0 // Time since last wander.
nextWander: number = 100 // Time to next wander.
smelledTarget?: Entity
seenTarget?: Entity
def: AnimalDefinition
mode: CreatureDefinition
desiredActions: Action[] = []
stepSoundElapsed: number = 0
lastYellElapsed: number = 0
nextYell: number = 1000
constructor(def: AnimalDefinition) {
this.def = def
this.mode = def.animal
this.maxSpeed = def.animal.maxSpeed
this.acceleration = def.animal.acceleration
this.turnRate = def.animal.turnRate
act(actions: Action[]) {
this.action = actions.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.priority < b.priority) {
return 1
if (a.priority > b.priority) {
return -1
return 0
update(delta: number, ctx: WorldContext) {
this.lastYellElapsed += delta
let waterZones = this.zones.filter(v=>v.type==='fluid')
if (waterZones.length) {
this.puddleTimer += delta
if (this.puddleTimer >= 600) {
if (ctx) {
let p = this.position
p[0] += (this.sprite.frame?.originX??0) + ((this.sprite.frame?.width??0)/2??0)
p[1] += (this.sprite.frame?.originY??0) + ((this.sprite.frame?.height??0)/2??0)
ctx.addEntity(new PuddleEntity('effects.water.ripple.small.0'), 'ground', p[0], p[1])
this.puddleTimer = 0
let shouldMove = false
if (this.action) {
// FIXME: Use physics.
switch(this.action.type) {
case 'west':
if (this.direction !== 0) {
if (this.direction < 180) {
this.direction -= this.mode.turnRate
} else {
this.direction += this.mode.turnRate
shouldMove = true
case 'east':
if (this.direction !== 180) {
if (this.direction < 180) {
this.direction += this.mode.turnRate
} else {
this.direction -= this.mode.turnRate
shouldMove = true
case 'north':
if (this.direction !== 90) {
if (this.direction < 90 || this.direction > 270) {
this.direction += this.mode.turnRate
} else {
this.direction -= this.mode.turnRate
shouldMove = true
case 'south':
if (this.direction !== 270) {
if (this.direction > 90 && this.direction < 270) {
this.direction += this.mode.turnRate
} else {
this.direction -= this.mode.turnRate
shouldMove = true
case 'attack':
if (this.direction > 360) {
this.direction = 0
} else if (this.direction < 0) {
this.direction = 360
if (shouldMove) {
this.stepSoundElapsed += delta
let r = this.direction * (Math.PI/180)
if (Math.abs(this.velocity[0]) < this.mode.maxSpeed) {
this.velocity[0] -= Math.cos(r) * this.mode.acceleration
if (Math.abs(this.velocity[1]) < this.mode.maxSpeed) {
this.velocity[1] -= Math.sin(r) * this.mode.acceleration
let cardinal = this.getCardinal(this.direction)
this.sprite.setKey = 'run'
if (this.sprite.subsetKey !== cardinal || this.sprite.subsetKey !== 'run') {
if (this.stepSoundElapsed >= 200) {
let v = 1 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 3)
playSound('action/footstep-tiny-v'+v, 0.5)
this.stepSoundElapsed = 0
this.sprite.animate = true
} else {
this.sprite.animate = false
this.sprite.setKey = 'stand'
this.velocity[0] *= 0.65
this.velocity[1] *= 0.65
// Eh... let's manually handle velocity
this.body?.setLinearVelocity(planck.Vec2(this.velocity[0], this.velocity[1]))
getCardinal(direction: number): string {
const degreesPerDirection = 360 / 4
const angle = direction + degreesPerDirection / 2
if (angle >= 0 * degreesPerDirection && angle < 1 * degreesPerDirection) {
return 'west'
} else if (angle >= 1 * degreesPerDirection && angle < 2 * degreesPerDirection) {
return 'north'
} else if (angle >= 2 * degreesPerDirection && angle < 3 * degreesPerDirection) {
return 'east'
return 'south'
think(delta: number) {
this.thinkTimer += delta
while (this.thinkTimer >= 100) {
if (!this.isMonster) {
if (this.seenTarget) {
let r = Math.atan2(this.y-(this.seenTarget.y+10), this.x-this.seenTarget.x) // FIXME: 10 ain't right son
let a = r * (180 / Math.PI)
if (a < 0) {
a += 360
a -= 180
if (a < 0) {
a = 360 - a
this.desiredActions = adjustAction([], this.getCardinal(a), 0.85)
this.desiredActions = adjustAction(this.desiredActions, this.getCardinal(Math.random()*360), Math.random())
if (Math.random() > 1 - this.mode.erratic) {
this.desiredActions = adjustAction(this.desiredActions, this.getCardinal(Math.random()*360), 1)
} else if (this.smelledTarget) {
let r = Math.atan2(this.y-this.smelledTarget.y, this.x-this.smelledTarget.x)
let a = r * (180 / Math.PI)
if (a < 0) {
a += 360
a -= 180
if (a < 0) {
a = 360 - a
// 5% to walk away, otherwise just chill.
if (Math.random() > 0.95) {
this.desiredActions = adjustAction([], this.getCardinal(a), 0.85)
} else {
this.wanderTimer += delta
if (this.wanderTimer >= this.nextWander) {
this.nextWander = Math.max(10, Math.random() * 100)
if (Math.random() > 1 - this.mode.laziness) {
this.desiredActions = []
} else {
this.desiredActions = adjustAction([], this.getCardinal(Math.random()*360), 1)
if (Math.random() > 1 - this.mode.noisiness) {
this.wanderTimer = 0
this.thinkTimer -= 100
sense(sensor: Sensor, entity: AnimalEntity) {
if (this.isPlayer) return
if (sensor.type === 'long') {
} else {
lost(sensor: Sensor, entity: AnimalEntity) {
if (this.isPlayer) return
if (sensor.type === 'long') {
} else {
smell(entity: AnimalEntity) {
if (entity.isPlayer) {
this.smelledTarget = entity
unsmell(entity: AnimalEntity) {
if (entity.isPlayer) {
this.smelledTarget = undefined
see(entity: AnimalEntity) {
if (entity.isPlayer) {
this.seenTarget = entity
unsee(entity: AnimalEntity) {
if (entity.isPlayer) {
this.seenTarget = undefined
yell(volume: number) {
if (this.lastYellElapsed > this.nextYell) {
this.nextYell = 500 + Math.random()*3000
this.lastYellElapsed = 0
let v = 1 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 2)
if (this.isMonster) {
playSound(`monsters/evil-${}-v${v}`, volume)
} else {
playSound(`animals/${}-v${v}`, volume)
export function isAnimalEntity(o: any): o is AnimalEntity {
return o.act