
190 lines
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package mapping
import (
// GameMap is our map type for holding our tiles and dimensions.
type GameMap struct {
width, height int
tiles [][]Tile
// NewGameMap initializes a GameMap's tiles to match provided width and height and sets up a few tiles to block movement and sight. Returns a GameMap interface.
func NewGameMap(width, height int) interfaces.GameMap {
g := &GameMap{
width: width,
height: height,
g.tiles = make([][]Tile, g.width)
for x := range g.tiles {
g.tiles[x] = make([]Tile, g.height)
for y := range g.tiles[x] {
g.tiles[x][y].Flags = BlockMovement | BlockSight
return g
// MakeMap creates a new randomized map. This is built according to the passed arguments.
func (g *GameMap) MakeMap(maxRooms, roomMinSize, roomMaxSize int, entities *[]interfaces.Entity, maxMonsters int) {
var rooms []Rect
for r := 0; r < maxRooms; r++ {
// Generate a random width and height.
width := roomMinSize + goro.Random.Intn(roomMaxSize)
height := roomMinSize + goro.Random.Intn(roomMaxSize)
// Generate a random position within the map boundaries.
x := goro.Random.Intn(g.width - width - 1)
y := goro.Random.Intn(g.height - height - 1)
// Create a Rect according to our generated sizes.
room := NewRect(x, y, width, height)
// Iterate through our existing rooms to check for intersection with our new room.
intersects := false
for _, otherRoom := range rooms {
if room.Intersect(otherRoom) {
intersects = true
// Add the room if there is no intersection found.
if !intersects {
roomCenterX, roomCenterY := room.Center()
// Always place the player in the center of the first room.
if len(rooms) == 0 {
} else {
prevCenterX, prevCenterY := rooms[len(rooms)-1].Center()
// Flip a coin if we should tunnel horizontally or vertically first.
if goro.Random.Intn(1) == 1 {
g.CreateHTunnel(prevCenterX, roomCenterX, prevCenterY)
g.CreateVTunnel(prevCenterY, roomCenterY, roomCenterX)
} else {
g.CreateVTunnel(prevCenterY, roomCenterY, prevCenterX)
g.CreateHTunnel(prevCenterX, roomCenterX, roomCenterY)
// Place random monsters in the room.
g.PlaceEntities(room, entities, maxMonsters)
// Append our new room to our rooms list.
rooms = append(rooms, room)
// CreateRoom creates a room from a provided rect.
func (g *GameMap) CreateRoom(r Rect) {
for x := r.X1 + 1; x < r.X2; x++ {
for y := r.Y1 + 1; y < r.Y2; y++ {
if g.InBounds(x, y) {
g.tiles[x][y] = Tile{}
//CreateHTunnel creates a horizontal tunnel from x1 to/from x1 starting at y.
func (g *GameMap) CreateHTunnel(x1, x2, y int) {
for x := goro.MinInt(x1, x2); x <= goro.MaxInt(x1, x2); x++ {
if g.InBounds(x, y) {
g.tiles[x][y] = Tile{}
// CreateVTunnel creates a vertical tunnel from y1 to/from y2 starting at x.
func (g *GameMap) CreateVTunnel(y1, y2, x int) {
for y := goro.MinInt(y1, y2); y <= goro.MaxInt(y1, y2); y++ {
if g.InBounds(x, y) {
g.tiles[x][y] = Tile{}
// PlaceEntities places 0 to maxMonsters monster entities in the provided room.
func (g *GameMap) PlaceEntities(room Rect, entities *[]interfaces.Entity, maxMonsters int) {
monstersCount := goro.Random.Intn(maxMonsters)
for i := 0; i < monstersCount; i++ {
var monster interfaces.Entity
// Acquire a random location within the room.
x := (1 + room.X1) + goro.Random.Intn(room.X2-room.X1-1)
y := (1 + room.Y1) + goro.Random.Intn(room.Y2-room.Y1-1)
if entity.FindEntityAtLocation(*entities, x, y, 0, 0) == nil {
// Generate an orc with 80% probably or a troll with 20%.
if goro.Random.Intn(100) < 80 {
monster = entity.NewEntity(x, y, 'o', goro.Style{Foreground: goro.ColorLime}, "Orc", entity.BlockMovement)
} else {
monster = entity.NewEntity(x, y, 'T', goro.Style{Foreground: goro.ColorGreen}, "Troll", entity.BlockMovement)
*entities = append(*entities, monster)
// Explored returns if the tile at x by y has been explored.
func (g *GameMap) Explored(x, y int) bool {
if g.InBounds(x, y) {
return g.tiles[x][y].Flags&Explored != 0
return false
// SetExplored sets the explored state of the tile at x and y to the passed explored bool.
func (g *GameMap) SetExplored(x, y int, explored bool) {
if g.InBounds(x, y) {
if explored {
g.tiles[x][y].Flags = g.tiles[x][y].Flags | Explored
} else {
g.tiles[x][y].Flags = g.tiles[x][y].Flags &^ Explored
// IsBlocked returns if the given coordinates are blocking movement.
func (g *GameMap) IsBlocked(x, y int) bool {
// Always block if ourside our GameMap's bounds.
if !g.InBounds(x, y) {
return true
return g.tiles[x][y].Flags&BlockMovement != 0
// IsOpaque returns if the given coordinates are blocking sight.
func (g *GameMap) IsOpaque(x, y int) bool {
if !g.InBounds(x, y) {
return true
return g.tiles[x][y].Flags&BlockSight != 0
// Width returns the width of the map.
func (g *GameMap) Width() int {
return g.width
// Height returns the height of the map.
func (g *GameMap) Height() int {
return g.height
// InBounds returns if the given coordinates are within the map's bounds.
func (g *GameMap) InBounds(x, y int) bool {
if x < 0 || x >= g.width || y < 0 || y >= g.height {
return false
return true