package main import ( "fmt" "log" "steel/entity" "steel/interfaces" "steel/mapping" "" "" ) func main() { // Initialize goro! if err := goro.InitEbiten(); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } goro.Run(func(screen *goro.Screen) { // Screen configuration. screen.SetTitle("Steel Lord") screen.SetSize(80, 40) // Randomize our seed so the map is randomized per run. goro.SetSeed(goro.RandomSeed()) // Our initial variables. mapWidth, mapHeight := 80, 40 maxRooms, roomMinSize, roomMaxSize := 30, 6, 10 maxMonstersPerRoom := 3 gameState := PlayerTurnState fovRadius := 10 fovRecompute := true colors := map[string]goro.Color{ "darkWall": goro.Color{R: 25, G: 25, B: 25, A: 255}, "darkGround": goro.Color{R: 100, G: 100, B: 100, A: 255}, "lightWall": goro.Color{R: 50, G: 50, B: 50, A: 255}, "lightGround": goro.Color{R: 150, G: 150, B: 150, A: 255}, } player := entity.NewEntity(0, 0, '@', goro.Style{Foreground: goro.ColorWhite}, "Player", entity.BlockMovement) entities := []interfaces.Entity{ player, } gameMap := mapping.NewGameMap(mapWidth, mapHeight) gameMap.MakeMap(maxRooms, roomMinSize, roomMaxSize, &entities, maxMonstersPerRoom) fovMap := InitializeFoV(gameMap) for { if fovRecompute { RecomputeFov(fovMap, player.X(), player.Y(), fovRadius, fov.Light{}) } // Draw screen. DrawAll(screen, entities, gameMap, fovMap, fovRecompute, colors) fovRecompute = false ClearAll(screen, entities, fovMap) // Handle events. switch event := screen.WaitEvent().(type) { case goro.EventKey: switch action := handleKeyEvent(event).(type) { case ActionMove: if gameState == PlayerTurnState { x := player.X() + action.X y := player.Y() + action.Y if !gameMap.IsBlocked(x, y) { otherEntity := entity.FindEntityAtLocation(entities, x, y, entity.BlockMovement, entity.BlockMovement) if otherEntity != nil { fmt.Printf("You lick the %s in the shins, much to its enjoyment!\n", otherEntity.Name()) } else { player.Move(action.X, action.Y) fovRecompute = true } } gameState = NPCTurnState } case ActionQuit: goro.Quit() } case goro.EventQuit: return } // Handle entity updates. if gameState == NPCTurnState { for i, e := range entities { if i > 0 { fmt.Printf("The %s punders.\n", e.Name()) } } gameState = PlayerTurnState } } }) }